India’s leading luxury bathware brand Colston recently launched its Design Centre in Mumbai addition to the existing experience centre in Delhi. The brand expanded its product range by unveiling a new collection of water products and designer bathtubs & whirlpool bathtubs that made their debut at the inauguration. In addition, the brand marked the completion of its re-branding efforts with an awe inspiring shade of Genesis Series.
Combining luxury with intelligent design, and the Design Centre is inspired by the exquisite Palladian style of architecture from Italy, and includes eight different Bathroom Design lounges that replicate different themes and typologies of the Colston brand. Some of the coolest features at The Centre are the Swimming Pool Zone, the Live Shower Walk, and the High Street Display Lane. Other impressive areas include the interactive conference room and Colston Meeting Lounge. Both are truly groundbreaking innovations in office design!
“The Design Centre is created as an experiential space it’s a perfect platform to exhibit the Colston’s Futuristic and advance approach in Bathware designs and technology.” said Mr. Anil Ahuja, Managing Director of Colston Bath & Spa Pvt. Ltd.
It has an expansive floor plan that includes multiple functioning areas that allow visitors to experience the luxury of Colston. The Design Centre allows you to immerse yourself into the complete Colston experience by providing visitors with several popular innovations and products to try out firsthand.