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Everything you need to know to upskill yourself in the domain of sustainability

Sustainability has been the talk of the town not only in the design industry but various sectors throughout the industry. There is a variety of content and courses on the internet that can help one to upskill but let us state some key points before you head to the one!

  1. Books 

Books have been the greatest gift to mankind. However, Sustainability is a vast topic to grab and so these books are considered to be the best over the years to know everything about sustainability and sustainable designs. The interventions needed to enhance your designs or the climatic factors inclusive of design. Here are some books that might help you to make your design a climate responsive design. 

  • Manual of Tropical Housing 

This book clearly elaborates factors of sustainability and elements that would help your building to become a climate responsive building. The Mahoni Table at the end of the book suggests the right kind of element for your site on the basis of the micro climate of the site. Thus, this book can be called as a bible of sustainable design solution

  •     Rebuilding Earth

The book focuses on the futuristic scenario of population expansion. In the visionary book the author Teresa Coady offers readers a ray of  hope. Rebuilding Earth is her vision and action plan for designing and building the cities and infrastructure for tomorrow that results in a conscious and sustainable environment. The author has strategically shown to shift the approach from an outdated industrial age framework to a humane and digital age framework that will contribute to communities to harness multiple segments of green energy and measures to build infrastructure that contribute towards a healthier planet.

Everything you need to know to upskill yourself in the domain of sustainability
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  1. Softwares

With the advancement in the digital age, our intelligence systems have advanced way more than we could have thought of 20 years ago from the current day. Perhaps, our ode to touch the sky has led to the futuristic dreams come true. From digital 2D drawings to 3D and now metaverse, we have been living the digital age at its best. The right kind of softwares in this digital age is an exception that helps us to bring the real picture of the present and future. 

  • e-Quest

e-Quest is one the most popular energy modelling programs that has been used extensively by modellers and engineers all over the world. The greatest factor that has worked in the popularity and usability is its cost and user experience. Moreover, it is built on the DOE 2 simulation engine. One of the other great benefits of eQuest also includes that it can be used at any stage of building development i.e right from the initial to final stage of design. 

  • Simergy

Simergy is newly developed software that is affordable and has the ability to analyse design performance on each building stage. It also analyzes alternatives related to building form, glazing percentage/type, exterior shading, and aspects of daylighting at early stages of design with high performance HVAC systems that can be effectively included. 

Everything you need to know to upskill yourself in the domain of sustainability
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  1. Master Courses

There is an array of courses available in this domain that are conducted offline and online. Right from private bodies to government institutions, there are few courses that are available for one to upskill in the domain of sustainability.  Online platforms like NPTEL, edx, Coursera are expanding their courses as per the futuristic needs of the industry. Also bodies like BEE( Bureau of Energy Efficiency), LEED, IGBC etc have been working on developing their customised softwares that might help to achieve maximum credits stated by the body. 

  1. Case studies

If we would look for case studies for certified buildings by LEED, IGBC etc few years back, we wouldn’t be able to visualise and could put them on finger count. Today with the enhancement of the digital age and valuable content on the internet we cannot just analyse the design by picture and words but also see a detailed case study that has been put by many firms on their website. Apart from diagrams, some of the firms also put videos on their steps for energy efficiency that helps to educate students and professionals. 

Written by Drashti Patel

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