In a picturesque corner of Lavra, Portugal, a remarkable architectural gem emerges, poised to redefine the relationship between living space and its inhabitants. Casa de Lavra, a testament to visionary design and seamless integration with nature is crafted by renowned architect Ricardo Azevedo of Ricardo Azevedo Arquitecto.
His approach transcends conventional boundaries, fostering a profound symbiosis between architecture and its surroundings. Drawing inspiration from the site itself, Casa de Lavra embodies a harmonious fusion of indoor and outdoor living, symbolizing a transformative journey of reinvention and reconnection.
The genesis of Casa de Lavra traces back to a deeply collaborative process between architect and client, where trust and creative freedom paved the way for an organic evolution from concept to reality. Azevedo’s design ethos seeks to rectify the disunity of the original structure, seamlessly integrating interior and exterior spaces to create a unified whole.
At the heart of Casa de Lavra lies a commitment to sensory immersion, with every element meticulously curated to evoke an unparalleled living experience. From the lush tropical greenery adorning the social areas to the tranquil retreat of the suites, each space reflects the essence of its environment, inviting inhabitants to immerse themselves in nature’s embrace.
Central to the innovative design of Casa de Lavra is its seamless flow and utilization of space. By unifying and organizing program sections, Azevedo creates a sense of fluidity and harmony throughout the residence, culminating in a captivating living experience that transcends conventional boundaries.
Notable features of Casa de Lavra include its transformation of the living room into a serene porch, where guests can indulge in a wine tasting experience amidst the verdant garden, and strategically positioned suites offering panoramic views of the nearby sea, bridging the gap between interior sanctuary and vast horizon. As a beacon of architectural excellence in Lavra, Portugal, Casa de Lavra beckons those in search of a transcendent living experience that seamlessly merges with nature, inviting them to embark on a journey of harmony and transformation.
Fact Sheet:
Project name: Casa de Lavra
Firm Name: Ricardo Azevedo Arquitecto
Architect Name: Ricardo Azevedo

Location: Lavra, Porto, Portugal

Size: 940m2

Photo credit: Ivo Tavares Studio