Laura Weiss, a nurse working with Boulder County Public Health in the United States, decided to pay tribute to the efforts of healthcare workers and volunteers who vaccinated residents in her county by utilizing empty Covid vaccine vials to create a tribute chandelier.

The actual idea of making a chandelier came from an eBay purchase. She found the empty frame online and thought it would be a great vessel for her project. “From a distance…the chandelier just looks like a regular chandelier, but as you get up closer to it, it becomes actually something very different and it changes your perspective,” she said. Shared the facts with CNN during her interview.

Posted by the Boulder County Public Health Department on their official Facebook page, “They thanked her and posted as “One of our talented Public Health Nurses, Laura Weiss, created this gorgeous piece of art using empty COVID vaccine vials. ‘As a Boulder County Public Health nurse, I was witness to the inexhaustible efforts of healthcare workers and volunteers who assisted in vaccinating Boulder County residents. I was inspired to repurpose hundreds of Moderna vaccine vials and create this Light of Appreciation. It is meant to honor and show appreciation for all those who have helped keep people alive, either by getting the vaccine to protect themselves and others, caring for those suffering from COVID, or by assisting in the vaccination effort. We are all connected in this effort. After so much loss, uncertainty, and anxiety, may the light bring hope for a brighter future.’ Thank you so much for sharing this artwork with the community, Laura!””
Here is the post:
As of today, more than 23,000 people have appreciated the artwork and her dedication. The post has been shared 23000 times and has more than 6.4 k comments.
Source: CNN and Boulder County Public Health Department Facebook page.